Daring Fireball’s John Gruber doesn’t get tired from repeating it: Wearing a face mask keeps the virus from spreading, and we agree. Masks are here to stay for a while and we think it’s time to make them part of our daily fashion. Make them yourself or get one from local shops or online. There’s even one with our logo on it. (more)
A very special Christmas present for us was a customer support email that we received just before the holidays. It came from our user Sam Ginsberg in Australia who just turned 98. Sam became our customer in 2010 when he was 89 years old and wanted to use DEVONthink to go paperless. No wonder we became curious and asked him if we could share a little bit of his amazing life story. And here it is. (more)
If you live in Japan or use your Mac in Japanese, DEVONthink 3 is now also available in your day-to-day language. Our friends and partners at Mercury Software have not only localized the user interface but also the documentation. You can download and buy the localized version of DEVONthink 3exclusively from their website 🇯🇵 … (more)
We admit it. Our website started to look a bit dated. We launched it in a time where “responsive web design” meant something like automatically switching languages. Now it’s 2019, we use the web mostly from smartphones, and we’re used to a completely different design language. (more)
Yesterday we’ve switched our user forum with its dated look-and-feel to shiny new Discourse. It’s a lean, modern discussion forum with everything you rightfully expect in 2019. (more)
The whole DEVONtechnologies team wishes you peaceful holidays, wherever you live and whatever you believe in. We hope that 2019 will be a great, productive, and successful year for you, and that you and your loved ones stay healthy and happy. (more)
The most-discussed new technology in the last few years is clearly the Blockchain. While it’s best known as the basis for Bitcoin it’s main advantage is its highly decentralized approach to data storage. Data is added in encrypted form to a robust chain of byte blocks that make tempering with it impossible. Reliable versioning comes with the approach as a free extra, and as all data is not only stored locally but also on an uncountable number of other computers world-wide data loss is something no longer worth thinking about. (more)
The whole DEVONtechnologies team wishes you a peaceful Christmas time, wherever you live and whatever you believe in. We hope that 2018 will be a great, productive, and successful year for you, and that you and your loved ones stay healthy and happy. (more)
We have been hard at work these past few years. Not only on DEVONthink To Go 2 and our new sync technology but also a new generation of our AI engine. Meet Awareness.
Before our applications used only the documents, their metadata, and information derived from the way you filed them. Awareness goes much further. It tracks which applications you are using, what actions you perform, and where. Then it creates groups and files items as you work and when you return to, e.g., DEVONthink you’ll find hierarchies, tags, and connections already made for you and ready to use. (more)
Last Saturday our oldest employee and close friend, William B. DeVille, died at the age of 85.
Bill joined our company in 2005 at the age of 73, applying with the words “We have a very long lifespan in my family”. In uncountable forum posts and support tickets he helped our customers getting started with our products and find creative solutions for their problems. (more)
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