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DEVONthink To Go Reviewed

3. März 2017 — Eric Böhnisch-Volkmann

From time to time I link to interesting reviews of our applications. MacStories’s Federico Viticci uses his iPad Pro for everything and now moved to DEVONthink To Go for his document management needs:

DEVONthink To Go goes beyond Apple Notes’ simple but effective note-taking and Documents’ traditional file management features. On the surface, it’s an advanced file manager that can be used to move notes and files around, but I see it more as a powerful research tool for documents you need to reference, search, and integrate with other iOS apps.

I believe DEVONthink’s thoughtful blend of excellent capturing and search tools, unification of file formats, and inter-app document linking can help me offset the limitations of file management on the iPad. For this reason, I’m going to adapt DEVONthink to my writing workflow for longform stories I have planned this year. I’m glad I took DEVONthink for another spin. Read the full article.

Skip of GeekDad describes the DEVONthink/DEVONthink To Go ecosystem and how he uses the pair of applications:

I am a big proponent of utilizing technology to make your life more simple. DEVONthink has allowed me to stop having to spend a lot of time or significant amount of thought on managing data… it now does this for me. If that isn’t a good use of technology I don’t know what is. Read the full article.

And finally, Thyra of geekyorganizer loves DEVONthink To Go 2.1’s document provider:

Mit ein bisschen Suchen und Probieren bin ich in fast jeder App, bei der ich das Feature vermutet habe, fündig geworden. Ich finde es schade, dass bei der Entwicklung von iOS-Apps hier nicht mehr auf Einheitlichkeit geachtet wird, denn das ist ein tolles Feature, mit dem das iPad definitiv ein Stück produktiver wird.

With some looking around and trying I found this feature in almost every app where I suspected it could be available. What a pity that this is not really standardized — every app does it a bit differently — because it’s a great feature that makes the iPad a lot more productive. Read the full article (in German language).

Thank you, Federico, Skip, and Thyra!