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Artikel mit dem Tag screencasts

10. November 2022

Neues von DEVONthink for Historians

Porträts von Avigail Oren und Ada Barlatt.

Avigail Oren und Ada Barlatt haben mit DEVONthink for Historians eine Reihe von Online-Kurse entwickelt, die eine praktische Einführung in die wissenschaftliche Arbeit mit DEVONthink bieten. Jetzt gibt es Neuigkeiten von Ada und Avigail, denn auf ihrem YouTube-Kanal gewähren die beiden spannende Einblicke in Avigails aktuelles Forschungsprojekt. (mehr)

20. September 2021

MacSparky DEVONthink Field Guide

Illustratives Bild für den MacSparky Field Guide.

Nach sechs Monaten Arbeit hat David Sparks alias MacSparky heute einen weiteren seiner exzellenten Field Guides („Reiseführer“) veröffentlicht — dieses Mal für DEVONthink und DEVONthink To Go. Er enthält mehr als 100 Lernvideos mit 8,5 Stunden Laufzeit. Alles ist transkribiert, dazu kommen Materialien wie Beispieldaten und Skripte. Schauen Sie mal rein und verpassen Sie den Einführungspreis nicht. (mehr)

3. Dezember 2019

DEVONthink bei ScreenCastsOnline

Bildschirmfoto des Videos zu DEVONthink 3

Das großartige Team von ScreenCastsOnline hat eine dreiteilige Serie von Video-Anleitungen zu DEVONthink 3 (in englischer Sprache) gestartet. Erfahren Sie, wie Sie das Programm installieren, Datenbanken erstellen, und wie Sie diese dann mit Daten aus den verschiedensten Quellen bestücken. (mehr)

7. Dezember 2016

ScreenCastsOnline Airs Three-Part DEVONthink Video Tutorial

ScreenCastsOnline, dedicated to produce quality video tutorials around all things Mac, has started a new mini series about DEVONthink Pro Office. From the description of the first part:

DEVONthink is one of the most powerful database applications made for the Mac. In fact, some people have said this one application makes it worth getting a Mac just to run it! In the introductory episode, Todd Olthoff takes us through all of the core features of DEVONthink Pro Office. (mehr)

10. Dezember 2013

Get Started with Tutorials and Help Files

DEVONthink and DEVONagent are extremely feature-rich and deep applications, harder to master than, say, a simple to-do list app. But they come with an extensive documentation and many slideshow and video tutorials for many everyday tasks from ‘How to set up a first database’ to ‘How to use DEVONthink in a team’. We explain, e.g., the various options for sharing your knowledge, show you the pros and cons of importing vs. indexing, and give valuable tips. (mehr)

14. Dezember 2012

Syncing and Web Sharing Explained

In the recent weeks we have released both DEVONthink’s new sync feature as well as a rewritten web interface for DEVONthink Pro Office as public betas via my blog. If you installed the plugins but are still unsure if you really exploit their potential check out our two new screencasts. Thirteen minutes well spent. Ray demonstrates how you can work on one database with multiple users on the local network and how you set up sync locations, e.g Dropbox, and keep your databases synchronized on all your machines. (mehr)

14. Dezember 2012

Watch the Videos and Learn All About DEVONagent Pro

Now that we’ve published a large number of screencasts about DEVONthink we have caught up with DEVONagent Pro. In the Support Assistant (choose Help > Tutorials inside the application) you’ll find seven new screencasts showing you how to search effectively with DEVONagent, explaining what search sets, Boolean operators, and wildcards are, and how you can work with the found results. Finally we demonstrate how you can easily automate your research with scheduled search sets. No more excuses for not using DEVONagent for serious searching!

10. Oktober 2012

ScreenCastsOnline Gives Great Intro into DEVONthink

ScreenCastsOnline, famous for their great videos about all things Mac, has just published two great screencasts about DEVONthink.

DEVONthink is probably one of the most requested productivity and organisational apps I get asked to cover. Well this week is the week it happens, but as a change, I thought I’d get a DEVONthink expert in to lead us through the benefits of this complex and powerful application — Todd Olthoff. (mehr)

26. Juli 2012

Three New Video Tutorials for DEVONthink

And again we have added three new video tutorials for DEVONthink Pro and Pro Office. Our first tutorial introduces you to DEVONthink’s unique approach to tagging and show you how you can use tags to organize your documents. The second tutorial demonstrates the smart A.I. features from finding related documents to automatically classifying documents, and the third tutorial explains the search field in DEVONthink’s toolbar. (mehr)