Black Friday Weekend

After all the preparation, decorating, cooking, and eating, the feast is over. We push back from the table, many belts now loosened, our stomachs full and our hearts full of joy and laughter. Some of you will retire to quieter rooms to privately catch up with each other. Others will find a place for a nap.
Now is the time for relaxing — and the best time of the year to get ready for a productive year ahead. Only from Black Friday through Cyber Monday, we give 25 percent discount on all our software products and ebooks. Just add them to your cart. The discount will be automatically applied this weekend.
Our traditional Black Friday offer starts Thursday, November 28th, 2019, 6 p.m. UTC and ends Tuesday, December 3rd, 2019, at 9 a.m. It cannot be combined with other offers such as the students & educators discount. Please see our Business Principles for more on how we do promotions.