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25. März 2022

Für die Leidtragenden

Symbolbild einer Schüssel mit Essen.

Es ist jetzt einen Monat her, dass die Russische Föderation in die Ukraine einmarschiert ist. Doch was derzeit in Europa geschieht, betrifft auch andere Teile unserer Welt. Unter anderem verschlimmert der Krieg den allgegenwärtigen Hunger in Ostafrika und im Nahen Osten weiter. Wir spenden 10 % unserer März-Einnahmen an JAM. (mehr)

1. März 2022

An der Seite der Ukraine

Ukrainische Nationalflagge.

Am Donnerstag vergangene Woche überquerten Truppen der Russischen Föderation die Grenze zur freien und souveränen Nation Ukraine und begannen mit einer großangelegten Invasion. Das Konzept der Freiheit ist die Basis für alles, was wir sind und woran wir glauben. Diese Freiheit steht nun auf dem Spiel. Wir haben heute 30% unseres Umsatz im Februar an humanitäre Organisationen gespendet, die den Menschen in der Ukraine helfen. (mehr)

13. Dezember 2021

Manifesto for Ubiquitous Linking

Bild der technischen Empfehlungen des Manifesto for Ubiquitous Linking.

Das „Manifesto for Ubiquitous Linking“ fordert Softwareentwickler auf, dafür zu sorgen, dass sich Ressourcen von innerhalb der Software mit anderen Ressourcen außerhalb verknüpfen lassen. DEVONthink und DEVONthink To Go bieten bereits seit vielen Jahren plattformunabhängige URLs für Dokumente in Datenbanken. Wir unterstützen den Vorschlag. (mehr)

8. Oktober 2018

Chinese Spy Chips? That's Why DEVONthink Uses Strong Encryption

Last week Bloomberg Businessweek published an article named The Big Hack. The authors claim that testers have found a tiny microchip on server mainboards that wasn’t part of the original designs:

During the ensuing top-secret probe, which remains open more than three years later, investigators determined that the chips allowed the attackers to create a stealth doorway into any network that included the altered machines. Multiple people familiar with the matter say investigators found that the chips had been inserted at factories run by manufacturing subcontractors in China. (mehr)

4. April 2018

Welcome SSL/TLS and Good-Bye Facebook

We know that you like to keep your private data private. And our software and processes are designed to keep it that way. Here’s what we’ve done recently to protect your privacy and security as well as our own integrity in these matters: … (mehr)

1. März 2017

When the Web Breaks

If you weren’t aware of it already, there was a problem on the internet yesterday for a couple of hours. A little problem in terms of describing it: Amazon Web Services (AWS) was “having problems”. However, it was really a big problem for any app or service relying on the S3 services. One of those services was us. Our downloads were unavailable for a period of time. Slack, Trello, Time Inc., and others were affected. Some even experienced some home automation problems because they relied on the IFFFT website. (mehr)

1. Dezember 2015

Telecommuting, the DEVONtech Lifestyle

By Jim Neumann. Jim is customer support specialist at DEVONtechnologies and works from home in Michigan, USA, or any other place he likes.

Your alarm clock didn’t go off, your hot shower was lukewarm, traffic was backed up, you spilled coffee when that red coupe cut in front of you, and the boss was eyeing his watch as you limped in to your cubicle. This is a typical morning for a commuter. But there’s an alternative. According to current research, in 2020 almost 54% of US workers telecommuted at least once a month. I am one of them. So what is telecommuting really like? (mehr)

28. Februar 2014

Thank You, Akismet

From our blog dashboard. The spam queue is 14 days which makes 928 intercepted spam comments per day. I am more that happy with the Akismet spam protection service. (mehr)

12. Februar 2014

The Day We Fight Back

We like the Internet and especially its openness. The latter, however, means also that everything that travels through it can be intercepted, stored, and analyzed. And we don’t like to be watched. We clearly support an open Internet free of mass surveillance. (mehr)

27. August 2013

We Favor Open Over Closed

Since the very first telephone companies and there is an ongoing struggle between advocates (and adversaries) of open vs. closed systems. Today is the time of the closed systems.

The Apple II was wide open and while the first Mac hardware was the exact opposite you could still do whatever your wanted in software. Even if there were no official hooks for this and that, as long as you knew how to access something there was no one holding you back. (mehr)