ScreenCastsOnline, dedicated to produce quality video tutorials around all things Mac, has started a new mini series about DEVONthink Pro Office. From the description of the first part:
DEVONthink is one of the most powerful database applications made for the Mac. In fact, some people have said this one application makes it worth getting a Mac just to run it! In the introductory episode, Todd Olthoff takes us through all of the core features of DEVONthink Pro Office. (mehr)
Just in case you’re a developer like us and you still have troubles getting acquainted with the fabulous Git version control system: The Fournova people — good friends of us — have set up a great introduction to Git including learning ebooks, videos, and online trainings. Click here to check it out.
ScreenCastsOnline, famous for their great videos about all things Mac, has just published two great screencasts about DEVONthink.
DEVONthink is probably one of the most requested productivity and organisational apps I get asked to cover. Well this week is the week it happens, but as a change, I thought I’d get a DEVONthink expert in to lead us through the benefits of this complex and powerful application — Todd Olthoff. (mehr)
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