Advent Times in Germany, Europe
While working concentrated for a last release (no, not just another 1.0.x update for DEVONthink To Go) before Christmas, we here in Europe also take some time off to enjoy the great advent weeks where the streets are beautifully illuminated and most towns and cities open their Christmas markets. Like ours here in Ludwigsburg, Germany:

I love the smell of hot spiced wine, roasted chestnuts, and stands selling large varieties of spices from all of the world. And I love all the stands selling toys, candles, Christmas tree decoration, and handmade art and jewelry. It’s a great atmosphere that compares to nothing else during the year. And when there is even snow, like we had, quite surprisingly, last week, it’s even greater.
So if you are celebrating Christmas in your part of the world take some time to enjoy the weeks before. It would be a waste to rush through them just to arrive powered out on Christmas evening’s doorstep.