DEVONthink To Go 2.6.5

Halloween’s over and the ghouls have hoarded the sweets they need to survive until Christmas.
On a side note, DEVONthink To Go 2.6.5 has become available too. The maintenance release indexes items without searchable text locally, e.g. email synchronized from DEVONthink Pro, and enhances the way it handles the keyboard when searching. It also improves the reliability of retrieving web page thumbnails, the progress indication when verifying and cleaning sync stores, and the overall reliability and performance of the synchronization.
Important: On January 1st, 2019, Box will deprecate their WebDAV support. Therefore, DEVONthink 2.10.2 removes the sync location templates for Box. Existing setups will, of course, continue to work until Box finally pulls the plug. On a similar note we’ve also removed the MagentaCLOUD template. Unfortunately we can no longer recommend MagentaCLOUD as it proved to be too unreliable for serious sync work.
We recommend everyone using these two services to migrate to one of the numerous other options like iCloud, Dropbox, CloudMe, a privately run WebDAV server (e.g. a Synology DiskStation), or direct connections on the local network.
You always can find the complete list of all changes inside the app (tap the question mark button on the first screen). We recommend this free update to all users. Update your copy through the App Store app or receive the update automatically, depending on your App Store settings.