MojMac on DEVONthink 🇵🇱
December 17, 2019 — Eric Böhnisch-Volkmann

The beautifully designed Polish Mac magazine MojMac has published a great review of DEVONthink 3 which is equally nice to read and to look at.
I’m complaining more and more about the chaos that’s invading my papers. I save some things in folders, and put other documents in the cloud so that I can edit them from any device. Photos and PDFs, data important to me downloaded from the web, go into a different place on an external drive. Do you also feel that after a few days you are looking for documents and think you are missing something? DEVONthink is undoubtedly the best way to control my data today, and a fantastic app to capture and collect information in one well-ordered place.
Don’t miss MojMac no. 9 2019 🇵🇱 if you read Polish.