News from DEVONthink for Historians

Two years ago we introduced you to DEVONthink for Historians*, a project by Avigail Oren and Ada Barlatt. Together they developed a series of great online courses for DEVONthink 3 that demonstrate in a practical and clear way how DEVONthink facilitates scholarly work. On her website, Avigail says:
As a historian, I spend a great deal of time working with documents and other archival sources. Keeping these materials organized and easily accessible is essential, which is why I turned to DEVONthink (for Mac OS). This database software helps me spend less time searching for documents and more time writing. It stores all my sources in one place and offers numerous tools for categorizing, cross-referencing, and generally organizing my materials. It has been a life saver.
That’s why I partnered with Ada Barlatt – a business efficiency expert – to create DEVONthink for Historians. DT4H offers courses that teach historians (and other humanities and social science researchers) how to manage their voluminous qualitative data.
In addition to the courses, Ada and Avigail also run a YouTube channel where they post videos and screencasts on various topics related to DEVONthink. Currently, Avigail is working on a new research project and recently started to share some insights into her exciting work on the channel. She shows how a database for her work evolves and which features of DEVONthink help her in this process. Be sure to check it out and enjoy the upcoming videos.
To learn more about the two founders of DEVONthink for Historians visit Ada’s and Avigail’s websites.
* To our regret, we have heard that this great project has now come to an end. We would like to thank Avigail and Ada and wish them all the best for the future!