Take Control of DEVONthink Updated (Summer 2023)

Joe Kissel from Take Control Books has updated the free ebook Take Control of DEVONthink 3. It now covers new features and other changes in DEVONthink for Mac up to version 3.9.1 and in DEVONthink To Go up to version 3.7.2.
Changes for DEVONthink include, for example, removing notes about displaying Twitter feeds as RSS, since Twitter no longer supports this capability. The chapters about DEVONthink To Go include the ability to use WikiLinks, the new freemium model, and more.
For a list of the notable changes, see the ebook’s product page or the Read Me First chapter. Download Take Control of DEVONthink 3 for free from our Handbooks and Extras page or directly from Take Control Books.
This ebook is an independently written, edited, and produced publication, but available for free as part of an exclusive partnership between Take Control Books and DEVONtechnologies.