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Articles tagged with devonthink

September 17, 2024

How to Unencrypt a Database

Screenshot showing a Finder window. The Finder window contains the open disk image of an encrypted database, as described in the post. The disk image contains a regular database file.

DEVONthink’s encrypted databases are useful for keeping your private data, e.g., financial or health records, though they can be used for any purpose. If you decide you don’t need a particular database to be encrypted, here’s how you can unencrypt it. (more)

September 3, 2024

Using Compressed Files in DEVONthink

Screenshot of Archive Utility's settings, set to decompress to the downloads folder.

A DEVONthink database can contain many different types of files including ZIP archives. But is this a good idea? We explore how to deal with compressed files in your databases. (more)

August 29, 2024

Welcome Back to School

Part of studying and teaching means: organizing knowledge. Taking notes, doing research, creating and managing documents. Our apps help you do just that. For a relaxed start into the new term, here’s a 40 percent discount, only until September 15th, 2024. (more)

August 20, 2024

How to Reuse Groups and Tags

Screenshot showing nested tag groups in DEVONthink. Two of these groups are selected to exemplify the script we discuss in the blog post.

If you have groups or tags in a DEVONthink database and want to use them in another, you may have tried copying them. But this also duplicates the documents. We have a script for you to duplicate only selected groups or tags, leaving their documents behind. (more)

August 13, 2024

How to Capture Frequently Visited Websites

Screenshot showing a group in DEVONthink with several subgroups, containing financial records and a web location.

We receive probably most of the information that we want to save in DEVONthink online, via a web browser. If you regularly capture content from the same website, there is a workflow that makes this easier and more productive. We show you, how it works. (more)

August 1, 2024

DEVONthink 3.9.7

Screenshot showing the Safari-related commands that DEVONthink inserts into the global Scripts menu.

The latest update to DEVONthink, version 3.9.7, brings a variety of improvements across the app, including new application scripts for web browsers, enhancements to Markdown transclusions, WYSIWYG editing, search, and more. (more)

July 30, 2024

How to Clip in Google Chrome

Screenshot showing a section of a Google Chrome window with the extensions popover opened containing Clip to DEVONthink.

If you are using Google’s Chrome browser and want to clip content into DEVONthink, here is how to install and configure our browser extension. (more)

July 23, 2024

How to Keep Your Databases Healthy

Screenshot showing DEVONthink's file menu, displaying DEVONthink's maintenance commands.

DEVONthink databases are created to hold a large number of documents, so robustness is paramount. In addition to that, DEVONthink has a few build-in commands to check and keep your databases healthy. Here is, how to use them. (more)

July 16, 2024

Using an iPhone as a Mac Scanner

Contextual menu with import from mobile commands

Scanning documents is a much needed function for many people, but you might not have a scanner available. If you have an iPhone or iPad connected to the same Apple Account as your Mac, you can use it to scan directly into DEVONthink’s Global Inbox. We show you how. (more)