We are always curious to learn more our users and their fascinating stories. How did they find us and how do they use our software? We already told you some of these user stories in our newsletter, now we have also published them here on our blog so that you can easily find them. (more)
On the northern hemisphere, December is when everything comes to a rest for a while. We spend time with our loved ones, reflect on the past year, and make plans for the forthcoming months. We wish you peaceful holidays and have a wonderful start into a productive new year, wherever you live and whatever you believe in! (more)
Lyndon Drake received his Doctor of Philosophy degree in Theology: Congratulations! We are honored to be part of his journey, since DEVONthink gave him a helping hand with his academic work. Here we share some of his thoughts and tips with you. (more)
For months Twitter has been sailing in rough sea, and last week its new captain unceremoniously made many of its third-party clients walk the plank. If you’re also jumping the ship, meet us on Mastodon! You can also easily follow Mastodon users or hashtags in DEVONthink. We show you how. (more)
Within the past few months, a forum participant who goes by the handle @PixelTracker posted some useful DEVONthink scripts in the Automation section of our forums. A more recent set of scripts appeared on the forums and his blog, prompting us to ask, “Who is this person writing these scripts?” So we invited him to share some thoughts with us and all of you. (more)
More than 50 ships in 46 years. More than a lifetime of stories and encounters, but also changes. With the digitalization of seafaring, DEVONthink found its way into the life of chief engineer Hartmut Kellner. He takes us on a journey through the adventures of his life. (more)
If you want to sell or buy digital originals, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are the way to go. Twitter and 1Password have already added NFT support, and so do the next updates for DEVONthink and DEVONthink To Go. Create NFTs for your documents and sell them on OpenSea, or store digital assets in your DEVONthink database. (more)
A few weeks ago, we were contacted by Gerald Koeder, the developer of the beautiful Mac app utility Start that not only allows you to launch applications and open files, but also supports DEVONthink’s item links. We responded in appreciation and he graciously accepted our request for an interview for our blog. Read on… (more)
Avigail Oren and Ada Barlatt created the great DEVONthink for Historians online course. No wonder this caught our attention and we wanted to find out more about how it happened. (more)
Instagram is a confusing concept but has, especially for the younger generation, replaced other options like Twitter and Facebook. We now have an Instagram account too, to experiment with it and to see if it can be useful for you. (more)
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