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The DEVONtechnologies Blog

Articles tagged with users

August 24, 2023

Lyndon Drake’s Road to DPhil

Photography of Lyndon Drake wearing his academic dress and holding his certificate of graduation.
Lyndon Drake, happy to receive his second doctorate, this time in Theology from Oxford.

Lyndon Drake received his Doctor of Philosophy degree in Theology: Congratulations! We are honored to be part of his journey, since DEVONthink gave him a helping hand with his academic work. Here we share some of his thoughts and tips with you. (more)

June 9, 2023

Jeffrey Taekman's Zettelkasten

Illustration of a library Zettelkasten next to a laptop.

One way of working that is often discussed is the Zettelkasten method. DEVONthink user Jeffrey Taekman, M.D., gives us an insight into his workflow on his blog and shows how he uses DEVONthink to build and manage his digital Zettelkasten. (more)

February 2, 2023

Julien Dimastromatteo's Workflow

Screenshot showing an item link to an item in DEVONthink, stored to a new event in Apple's calendar.

In DEVONthink you can create an item link to any item in your database. This is a URL that allows you to access an item directly without having to search for it or navigate through your database. DEVONthink user Julien Dimastromatteo, Ph.D., shows how to use item links practically. (more)

July 26, 2022

Fabrizio Musacchio

Fabrizio works as a scientist and lives in Cologne, Germany, EU.

Within the past few months, a forum participant who goes by the handle @PixelTracker posted some useful DEVONthink scripts in the Automation section of our forums. A more recent set of scripts appeared on the forums and his blog, prompting us to ask, “Who is this person writing these scripts?” So we invited him to share some thoughts with us and all of you. (more)

June 14, 2022

All Hands Hoy with DEVONthink

Old photograph of Hartmut as a child, paddling on the water with a girl in an aluminum boat.
An aluminum aerial delivery unit left behind by the Americans in 1945 became the ship in which young Hartmut daringly set sail with a companion.

More than 50 ships in 46 years. More than a lifetime of stories and encounters, but also changes. With the digitalization of seafaring, DEVONthink found its way into the life of chief engineer Hartmut Kellner. He takes us on a journey through the adventures of his life. (more)

June 3, 2022

Monica Rysavy's Capture Workflow

Part of an info graphic illustrating several steps in Monica's capture workflow.

DEVONthink user Monica Rysavy, Ph.D., Ed.D., shares an insight into her daily capture routine for different types of information on Twitter and her website. (more)

January 20, 2022

Gerald Koeder

Start application icon.

A few weeks ago, we were contacted by Gerald Koeder, the developer of the beautiful Mac app utility Start that not only allows you to launch applications and open files, but also supports DEVONthink’s item links. We responded in appreciation and he graciously accepted our request for an interview for our blog. Read on… (more)

August 24, 2021

Avigail Oren and Ada Barlatt

Avigail Oren
Avigail started her career by doing history research on U.S. cities but now enjoys learning something new every day in her work for clients.

Avigail Oren and Ada Barlatt created the great DEVONthink for Historians online course. No wonder this caught our attention and we wanted to find out more about how it happened. (more)

March 24, 2020

Using Our Tools in the Pandemic

COVID-19 is everywhere, in the news, blogs, podcasts, but also quite literally. We’re all giving our best to adjust our lives to the new rules that will impact our societies for quite some time. We don’t want to give you yet another list of tips for how to work from home. Instead, we asked our user community how they use our products to cope with the current situation. (more)

January 9, 2020

Happy 98th Birthday, Sam

A very special Christmas present for us was a customer support email that we received just before the holidays. It came from our user Sam Ginsberg in Australia who just turned 98. Sam became our customer in 2010 when he was 89 years old and wanted to use DEVONthink to go paperless. No wonder we became curious and asked him if we could share a little bit of his amazing life story. And here it is. (more)