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Articles tagged with macos

August 10, 2020

Our Apps and Apple Silicon

End of this year Apple will start a transition away from Intel processors to their own ARM-based CPUs. What does this move to Apple silicon mean for our Mac applications? (more)

July 29, 2020

Surprise! ScanSnap Manager 64-Bit

Screenshot of ScanSnap Manager V7

In September Fujitsu announced that it would not update their ScanSnap Manager software to 64-bit, effectively making all older models of their scanners obsolete overnight. Yesterday, and to everyone’s surprise, Fujitsu released version 7 of the ScanSnap Manager, perfectly running in 64-bit and supporting all the older models from the S1300 to the S1500M. (more)

October 29, 2019

How to Enter Emojis Quicker

Emoji. They’re the digital equivalent of the little doodles we’d draw when passing notes to each other. Built into macOS, you can call up the Emoji & Symbols palette while you’re typing. MacBooks with Touch Bar also have a dedicated key for emoji. For even quicker access to emojis there’s an neat menubar application: Rocket, by Matthew Palmer. (more)

October 21, 2019

Clip to DEVONthink and Safari 13

Safari 13 no longer supports traditional browser extensions. With DEVONthink 3 we have rewritten the whole Clip to DEVONthink experience and integrated it into the application. But what if you’re not ready to upgrade yet? Don’t panic. Our browser extensions for Firefox and Chrome continue to work just fine. (more)

October 14, 2019

Don't Install Catalina (Yet)

In recent weeks we have written a few times about macOS 10.15 Catalina, Apple’s latest version of the Mac operating system. Even though Apple officially released the upgrade last week, it has numerous very rough edges that can even stop you from getting any actual work done on your Mac. (more)

October 8, 2019

DEVONagent and Catalina

If you are a DEVONagent user and plan to upgrade to macOS Catalina we recommend that you wait a moment before you hit the Upgrade button. There’s a minor incompatibility that keeps the application’s splash screen from being closed. You can expect a free maintenance update for DEVONagent that addresses this issue later this month. (more)

September 10, 2019

Catalina and the Fujitsu ScanSnap

If you, like many of our customers, own one of the older Fujitsu ScanSnap scanners like the S300M, S500M, S510M or S1500(M), the time might have come to move to a newer model or look for alternatives. (more)

August 13, 2019

Catalina and Our Applications

macOS Catalina is going into a new round of public beta testing and is expected to arrive for everyone this autumn. It brings changes to iTunes, Find My Friends, and Reminders, but also a lot of modifications to the underpinnings. One of these (almost) invisible changes is the end of support for 32-bit applications. You might have already been notified by your Mac about applications that need an update. (more)

July 9, 2019

Find Those Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts (or hotkeys) are a great way to add a little efficiency to your computer use. CheatSheet is a great little utility from Media Atelier that shows a list of shortcuts for the active application when you press and hold the Command key down. (more)