Part of studying and teaching means: organizing knowledge. Taking notes, doing research, creating and managing documents. Our apps help you do just that. For a relaxed start into the new term, here’s a 40 percent discount, only until September 15th, 2024. (more)
Part of the daily routine at university is being able to organize knowledge. That means taking notes, doing research, creating and managing documents. Our apps help you do just that. For a relaxed start into the new term, here’s a 40 percent discount, only until September 17th, 2023. (more)
Every time fall comes around, we traditionally welcome all students and educators back to campus with a special educational discount. But maybe you just started studying for the summer term? For a relaxed start into the summer term, here’s a 40 percent discount, only until May 5th. (more)
DEVONagent 3.11.7 brings integration with Neeva, the Case Law Project, and IEEEXplore. Its scripts and scanners also retrieves more image formats, and the See Also inspector makes better suggestions. DEVONsphere 1.9.7 suggests related websites and adds thumbnails to web search results more reliably. (more)
Over the past year, academic life has gradually returned to campus, and part of a student’s or teachers’s everyday life is knowing how to organize themselves. Get our Mac apps with an exclusive 40% discount until September 11th, 2022. If this isn’t the best time in the year to get prepared, then when is? (more)
DEVONtechnologies has several applications available for a variety of purposes. From a simple freeware thumbnail generator to our flagship apps DEVONthink and DEVONagent. For whatever application you’re thinking, “I’m ready to try this application out”, the first step is downloading and installing the app. Fortunately, this is a simple two step process. (more)
Campus life will, maybe, never be what it was before the pandemic. Video courses might, at least partially, replace the need to queue up for overcrowded lectures and you’ll do more of your research online instead of burning the midnight oil at the library. Get our Mac apps with an exclusive 40% discount until September 19th, 2021. If this isn’t the best time in the year to get prepared, then when is? (more)
It’s July already and so time for a round of summer updates. Here are new releases of DEVONagent, DEVONsphere Express, and DEVONthink To Go with improvements and bug fixes. Here’s what’s new. (more)
With the new Apple Silicon Macs bringing great speed paired with long battery life it’s time for us to update more of our products for Apple’s great new architecture. Here’s some news for DEVONagent, DEVONsphere Express, and EasyFind. We are also updating DEVONthink To Go with bug fixes and preparations for the arrival of version 3.0. (more)
In software as in life, things unexpectedly go wrong. Sometimes you can resolve things alone and sometimes you need help. For those times when you need assistance with our applications, here’s how to get help. (more)
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