December 8, 2020
Understanding Encryption in Sync

When it comes to syncing with DEVONthink, we are often asked questions about what an encryption key is and how you make and use one. Here’s a brief explanation. (more)
When it comes to syncing with DEVONthink, we are often asked questions about what an encryption key is and how you make and use one. Here’s a brief explanation. (more)
Many people use compatible cloud services for syncing DEVONthink and DEVONthink To Go. These can be useful in situations where devices need to be updated more frequently, or Bonjour connections are disallowed. However, just as any website can be unavailable, for a variety of reasons, these servers can experience downtime as well. Here are some official links to some of the services you might use, not only for syncing but just about any of your cloud storage needs. (more)
Bonjour is a wonderful technology that allows us to connect to devices or services by name instead of a hard to remember IP address, a number that can and does change! DEVONthink can sync via Bonjour on a local network, but only if the traffic is allowed. Here’s one way to work around that … (more)
Many times people will create large databases in DEVONthink and want to sync them to their iOS devices. But there may not be a lot of available space on the iPhone or iPad. DEVONthink To Go has a sync option that may allow you to sync the databases within the space you have. (more)
Today’s network speeds are indeed much faster than in the past. The speed and availability of networks are a marvel compared to what we had in the past. But at times, sync can seem like it’s running a bit slowly. (more)
The upcoming macOS Catalina as well as iOS 13 were about to bring many changes to how the directories on the hard drive are structured as well as to how iCloud is integrated into the file system. For the late DEVONthink 3 betas we had spent quite some time on updating our iCloud handling accordingly. (more)
Sometimes you might want to add data from Dropbox into your DEVONthink databases. With DEVONthink on a Mac this is as simple as dragging and dropping. On iOS, however, Dropbox’s mobile application doesn’t allow for this kind of interaction. So is there an option for easily adding Dropbox data to DEVONthink To Go? (more)
Halloween’s over and the ghouls have hoarded the sweets they need to survive until Christmas.
On a side note, DEVONthink To Go 2.6.5 has become available too. The maintenance release indexes items without searchable text locally, e.g. email synchronized from DEVONthink Pro, and enhances the way it handles the keyboard when searching. It also improves the reliability of retrieving web page thumbnails, the progress indication when verifying and cleaning sync stores, and the overall reliability and performance of the synchronization. (more)
With the announcement of Box to discontinue WebDAV, here are some tips on switching DEVONthink to a new cloud service.
If you’re syncing DEVONthink on a Mac, it’s a simple process: … (more)
Last week Bloomberg Businessweek published an article named The Big Hack. The authors claim that testers have found a tiny microchip on server mainboards that wasn’t part of the original designs:
During the ensuing top-secret probe, which remains open more than three years later, investigators determined that the chips allowed the attackers to create a stealth doorway into any network that included the altered machines. Multiple people familiar with the matter say investigators found that the chips had been inserted at factories run by manufacturing subcontractors in China. (more)